Two-thirds of employees expect more feedback from their manager and colleagues! And they are right, as feedback is one of the best drivers towards better performance and personal development.

feedback habit huapii
Ruth van Impe huapii website

With the help of the huapii team, we involved all stakeholders and built the persona to give a strong story to the whole organization

Ruth Van Impe

CHRO – SBS Skillbuilders

feedback habit huapii

Towards a feedback culture

It sounds logical and easy, but in real life it’s not so straightforward: you can’t just tell your employees to start giving feedback, and expect improvements. Praising someone is easy, but a true feedback culture goes one step further and allows you to focus on improvement areas as well. To reach the level where feedback becomes a habit, you need to ensure the following conditions are met.

Generate trust

Futureproof companies install a feedback culture at every hierarchical level. Instead of limiting these moments to managers and employees, they turn feedback into an ongoing habit that breaks silos between teams. huapii provides a 360° feedback solution that nurtures open communication and allows continuous feedback – horizontal and vertical. Our platform helps you develop a safe, positive environment.

Psychological safety is one of the key dimensions for powerful feedback. It improves the quality of the feedback. The ‘givers’ feel they can openly express their feedback in a growth mindset. The ‘receivers’ appreciate the genuine intentions behind it. That’s why feedback in huapii is personal, between the giver and the receiver, and does not affect the receiver’s performance evaluations.

Skills to improve

Feedback is aimed towards personal growth and development. Therefore, the aim of giving feedback is to nurture a growth mindset, focusing on the strengths and improvement areas. It helps employees look at the skills they need to develop for the future and take ownership of their career path within your organization.

Team pulse

Feedback occurs on a personal level, but it’s equally important to foster these conversations within teams and business units. In a hybrid working environment, where employees are not always in the same location, it’s important to keep your finger on the pulse. With huapii, you can ensure everyone is working together in an efficient way.

Our daily work evolves fast, so the annual surveys don’t work anymore. It’s important to ‘take the pulse’ of your team regularly, and show your employees that you value their opinion. It makes team discussions an ongoing practice, rather than a yearly presentation.

Co-create a platform from the employee for the employee. 

Ellen Neirynck

Talent Manager at Accent Jobs

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