Press and Awards

Best Employee Engagement & Rewards for 2021 & 2022

HR Excellence Awards

Other Press

''De oorlog om talent een cv is niet langer de heilige graal'' Article on Trends – March 2020

Bloovi logo


This start-up was born within the chemical giant Solvay: “We use technology to create a corporate culture that allows employees to flourish”

huapii, a corporate LinkedIn born in the bosom of Solvay

“Women in Tech” ou comment inspirer et soutenir davantage d’entrepreneuses

Technology could help us in the journey to more inclusive leadership? Media & Culture Fast Forward, a digital festival hosted by VRT.

Datanews logo

“The start-up Huapii devised a tool that keeps employees engaged and motivated in hybrid working.”

‘Nexxworks Innovation Talks’ podcast ep. 3: nexxworks Partner Peter Hinssen interviews Solvay’s Global Head Agile Working, Digital HR, and HR Director Bruce Fecheyr-Lippens.

huapii, un LinkedIn d’entreprise sur mesure

Digital health sessions powered by ethias – February 2022

La plateforme huapii entre dans le giron de SD Worx : "Surfer sur leur success story internationale nous donne beaucoup de confiance"– March 2022

SD Works neemt meerderheidsparticipatie in Huapii

SD Worx takes majority stake in huapii and expands talent management offering– March 2022

SD Worx takes majority in huapii

SD Works takes majority stake in Huapii

SD Works acquired majority interest in Huapii

So, are you ready to unleash the true power of your people and teams?

huapii team



Co-Founder & COO

I always found a way to get or to create for myselfs jobs where I could achieve my life’s purpose: connecting with people and helping them grow (while growing myself).

After studying general management and HR in Lyon, I joined Solvay where I had several rich & diverse HR experiences. I worked in Lyon, Brussels and Paris, to finally come back to Brussels and accept the challenge of creating and managing Solvay’s Digital Studio flagship.

Being an intrapreneur leading an innovation incubator, taking part of creating a new ways of working platform that transformed the company culture and HR woke up my inner intrapreneur and made me jump into co-founding huapii!

Today at huapii I use my HR and change experience to make the workplace a developing and empowering place to be.