Customer stories: Skill BuilderS

About Skill BuilderS

Skill BuilderS is a talent partner dedicated to unleashing potential. With a team of 230 permanent employees and 30 loyal partner colleagues, SKill BuilderS annually coaches over 15,000 individuals and organisations in Belgium, guiding them towards meaningful career opportunities. 

The Problem: Managing Talent in a Dispersed Organisation

With such rapid growth and geographical dispersion, Skill BuilderS faced challenges in identifying and nurturing talent effectively. As Skill BuilderS grew, the team realized that traditional methods of talent management were no longer sufficient. With colleagues spread across different regions, they struggled to keep track of skills, career aspirations, and training needs. This hindered their ability to leverage their workforce effectively and nurture talent within the organization.

With huapii, we found the ideal platform to complete our vision on talent and skills management.

Skill BuilderS' Choice: Talent Development

Skill BuilderS wants to know which talent they have in-house and how to develop them. Ruth van Impe, HR Manager at Skill BuilderS, says, “In every activity we do, skills and competencies are involved. So it’s logical you continue this internally as well. With huapii, we found the ideal platform to complete our vision.

Implementation and onboarding

Recognizing the need for a modern talent management solution, Skill BuilderS embarked on a journey to find the right platform. After evaluating various options, they chose huapii for its comprehensive approach and alignment with their needs.

Ruth shares, “We started 2021 with huapii. I consider us one of the early adopters. The implementation process involved close collaboration between Skill BuilderS and huapii, with ambassadors within the organization driving the adoption of the platform across different locations.” Through workshops and training sessions, Skill BuilderS ensured that employees understood the importance of the new platform in shaping their career paths and fostering skills growth.



The integration of huapii into Skill BuilderS’s talent management strategy brought about transformative results. The platform enabled the organization to move away from traditional, function-level approaches to talent management and focus more on individual skills and aspirations.

With huapii, Skill BuilderS can easily identify skills gaps, match employees with suitable projects, and facilitate knowledge sharing across different regions. The platform’s user-friendly interface and intuitive features allowed colleagues to connect with each other, share expertise, and collaborate effectively, regardless of geographical barriers. Moreover, huapii’s continuous feedback and mentorship features empowered employees to take ownership of their development, fostering a culture of growth and learning within the organization.

Reflecting on the impact of huapii, Ruth says, “We deeply appreciate huapii’s view of us as a true partner, and we share that sentiment. This mutual understanding strengthens our collaboration, enabling us to support each other and grow to the next level in talent management.

huapii In Three Words

1. Resilient

Small enough to care, large enough to cope.

huapii is small enough to care, large enough to cope and takes their clients to the take next level of performance management.

2. Customer-centric

huapii collaborates with us to identify our changing needs.

3. Future-oriented

huapii discusses the future challenges in HR and how to address them.

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Continuous Performance Management

Continuous performance management We believe in fostering a culture of continuous conversations and feedback focusing on performance and development, where confidence and appreciation thrive. huapii provides a platform to empower managers, teams and employees while reducing administrative burdens and follow-up issues, and adapting to changing conditions. Watch a demo > Request a demo > With

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Co-Founder & COO

I always found a way to get or to create for myselfs jobs where I could achieve my life’s purpose: connecting with people and helping them grow (while growing myself).

After studying general management and HR in Lyon, I joined Solvay where I had several rich & diverse HR experiences. I worked in Lyon, Brussels and Paris, to finally come back to Brussels and accept the challenge of creating and managing Solvay’s Digital Studio flagship.

Being an intrapreneur leading an innovation incubator, taking part of creating a new ways of working platform that transformed the company culture and HR woke up my inner intrapreneur and made me jump into co-founding huapii!

Today at huapii I use my HR and change experience to make the workplace a developing and empowering place to be.