The Talent Trend Watcher September – 7 Key Insights

#1 The War for Talent: A New Truce?

The traditional “war for talent” has shifted into a delicate truce. Challenges persist, with global labour shortages still a pressing concern. Instead of simply hiring new talent, organisations must engage in a multifaceted approach, including building, buying, borrowing, and… even employing bots to fulfil their workforce needs

#2 The Dance of Humans and Machines

Automation’s influence is affecting knowledge positions as well. The job market is rapidly evolving, calling for a harmonious coexistence of human and digital capabilities. Talent managers face the challenge of blending the strengths of humans with the power of digital tools.

The pace and magnitude are much larger now. Every industry, every layer, is affected. It’s a new balance between human and digital, a compromise, to make work even more interesting and enjoyable.

#3 Blurred Lines: The New Collar Reality

The age-old distinction between white and blue-collar jobs is fading as knowledge work undergoes a revolution. Other distinctions are becoming more critical, such as on-premise or remote

#4 The Middle Management Balancing Act

Middle management holds the key to effective communication and collaboration within organisations. In today’s AI-augmented workplace, middle managers must adapt to asynchronous work settings while accommodating individual needs without compromising collective productivity.

#5 Empowering Lifelong Careers

Gone are the days of lifelong jobs. Now, it’s all about lifelong careers. Employees must embrace change, embrace continuous learning, and seize fresh opportunities. Employers can aid this transition by providing resources for career navigation, promoting internal mobility, and tapping into individual motivations and interests.

#6 The Alumni Advantage

Organisations should consider nurturing alumni networks to maintain connections with former employees. This approach nurtures positive relationships and can lead to “boomerang” effects, where employees return with new skills and experiences.

Sometimes, it’s just the end of someone’s career at a company. This doesn’t mean goodbye. Just because they’re an ex-employer, doesn’t mean they are secondary. It's happening more and more that people come back after skilling up somewhere else.

#7 Revamping Performance Management

Traditional annual performance reviews no longer cut it in our fast-paced world. Instead, organisations should embrace shorter feedback cycles to stay aligned with evolving goals. Younger employees seek more frequent feedback and chances to celebrate successes, transforming performance reviews into platforms for recognition and growth.

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Co-Founder & COO

I always found a way to get or to create for myselfs jobs where I could achieve my life’s purpose: connecting with people and helping them grow (while growing myself).

After studying general management and HR in Lyon, I joined Solvay where I had several rich & diverse HR experiences. I worked in Lyon, Brussels and Paris, to finally come back to Brussels and accept the challenge of creating and managing Solvay’s Digital Studio flagship.

Being an intrapreneur leading an innovation incubator, taking part of creating a new ways of working platform that transformed the company culture and HR woke up my inner intrapreneur and made me jump into co-founding huapii!

Today at huapii I use my HR and change experience to make the workplace a developing and empowering place to be.