Strategic HR Leader,

The architect of future-proof & innovative organisations

Strategic HR Leaders are the architects of the new generation of future-proof and innovative organisations. We have been living in times of a global pandemic which gave rise to the great resignation and intensified the war for talent. On top of that, technological innovation has accelerated faster than ever before while many organisations are still trying to get to the basic level of digitalisation.

Based on our expertise and experiences working with different organisations, we want to help you on your journey towards a crystal-clear future. We have gathered all the best practices for you on this page based on the three strategic processes you can work on and improve: Identity, Agility, and Scalability. Go through each section to learn more about these topics.


Introduction on identity

By Kristof Stevens

This is the bedrock on which any future-proof organisation can be built. Your identity defines and depicts who you are as a company, the value you would like to offer to the world, and the culture in which you build yourself.

Identity Episodes

Do you feel meaning when you go to work? For certain companies the purpose is intrinsic to their organisation, but in a corporate world it is much more difficult to motivate your employees.

Bruce Fecheyr-Lippens, explains how your company can create value for your employees so they can find their own personal purpose within your organisation. This way they can be at their very best and play to their own strengths without demotivating them.

Are the right talents in your organisation working on the right priorities? Not an easy question.

Bruce Fecheyr-Lippens, walks you through mapping talent to value using simple metrics. This not only allows your employees to find their right purpose in the organisation but also drives them to be the A player that they are meant to be. HR persons, GM and business owners, this is for you! Match the right talent with the right priority and start today

For many organisations, creating an excellent employee experience is essential. All workers expect a positive experience. This expectation can influence both their commitment to staying with the company and their level of participation.

Co-founder of huapii and COO Alice Tranchant outlines how you, as an HR leader, can fulfill this expectation and give your workers a sense of value. They will work hard, feel inspired, and realise wy they are a good fit for your business.



How can we help managers to prepare their team with the right skills for the future? A first step is to ensure managers know which skills they have in their team and start talking with their employees on how to develop those for the future.

Download for free our Skills Growth E-book to find out what teams can do to discover and start growing those skills!

Skills growth e-book huapii
Laura huapii


Introduction on AGILITY

By Kristof Stevens

Agility refers to a company’s ability to quickly adapt to changes and renew itself.

Agility Episodes

Annual performance reviews are not a thing of the past YET, but it will be as changes are happening fast already.

In this video Alice Tranchant, COO and Co-founder at Huapii, introduces the new way of performance management and talks about the shift to the new generation of performance reviews.

Your people are the core of your business, and it makes sense to adapt new models to be able to retain the right talents for the right jobs in your company. To start off, you should map the skills in your organisation to avoid losing talent.

Kristof Stevens, Co-founder of huapii and Chief Growth Officer, helps you understand the whys and hows of this process.

It is crucial for your people to understand why they are working for your organisation and not your competitor. To be able to achieve this, a sense of belonging to the company is necessary along with the value of colleagues.

In this video, Kristof Stevens, Co-founder of huapii and Chief Growth Officer, explains how to achieve these important aspects in your organisation, so your employees will engage work with motivation, purpose and a sense of belonging.

Do you find it tough to make fast decisions? Well, you are not the only one. Bruce Fecheyr-Lippens, explains how you can overcome this situation: decision-making by advice.

The methodology and tips shared in this video will empower you to make fast decisions no matter the size of your organisation, while nobody is left out in the decision process.

Upskilling and reskilling are at the core of the transformation of organisations.

In this video, Laura Wey, Head of Customer Success at huapii, hands out tips to HR leaders to make a difference and help your organisation be more flexible and agile through a workforce that makes your people engaged and motivated.

Succession planning has evolved during the past years.

In this video Laura Wey, Head of Customer Success at huapii, explains how to create value with the right people to contribute towards your organisation’s goals. The companies most likely to surpass their rivals are those who can reallocate talent in accordance with their strategic strategies.

At huapii, we believe that self-awareness is key for your growth journey. And being aware of your skills is essential for you to grow both individually and professionally.

In this video, Laura Wey, Head of Customer Success at huapii, explains to you the Johari Window Model and how you can achieve the best version of yourself by capturing a 360° perspective on your skills.


Check-in Conversation guide

Preparation is key to have an effective performance conversation between managers and employees. Our check-in guide helps you to have a continuous and constructive dialogue to improve employee engagement, encourage skill development & reach your professional goals.This guide, for both managers and employees, aims to:
  • Prepare for an efficient check-in conversation
  • Organise ideas
  • Anticipate what topics both parties want to cover
  • Decide on next steps together
Check-in conversation guide huapii


Introduction on Scalability

By Kristof Stevens

Scalability is the ability of a business to cope with challenges and business’ needs that come with growth without being held back by a lack of resources.

Scalability Episodes



Employee turnover has become a vital issue for many organisations in 2022. Unfortunately, the great resignation, as well as two years of a pandemic, didn’t make it any better. In these times of constant change, finding, attracting and keeping the talent interested in their company is an essential task for many HR Managers. 

To help HR Managers to solve these problems, we have identified internal mobility as an effective solution. Read our e-book to learn more about how internal mobility can boost talent retention.

Internal mobility huapii

Learn more from a personal demo



Co-Founder & COO

I always found a way to get or to create for myselfs jobs where I could achieve my life’s purpose: connecting with people and helping them grow (while growing myself).

After studying general management and HR in Lyon, I joined Solvay where I had several rich & diverse HR experiences. I worked in Lyon, Brussels and Paris, to finally come back to Brussels and accept the challenge of creating and managing Solvay’s Digital Studio flagship.

Being an intrapreneur leading an innovation incubator, taking part of creating a new ways of working platform that transformed the company culture and HR woke up my inner intrapreneur and made me jump into co-founding huapii!

Today at huapii I use my HR and change experience to make the workplace a developing and empowering place to be.